Which skill related fitness component is essential for learning how to dribble a basketball?

Fun Essential​

Through fun games, we can easily make our Basketball dribble even stronger, And the most important part is you can give the name of the drills as per your choice. Whether you are at the beginner stage or a pro basketball athlete. Even most basketball players do this in their daily training sessions. I’ve given easy names to the drills which were easy for me to remember. You can give names as per your choices as I have said earlier. Do read all of the drills and the components that you will need to learn the dribbling technique in basketball. Today I will only explain Two drills that will surely be effective as well as help the players to engage. Through the drills, practice can be increased by increasing their concentration and skills.

1. Straight and Fall the cones​

Needed Accessories:

— Two teams of a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 10

— Marker cones minimum of 16 and can be in even number

— Two Basketball

Steps To Conduct:

  1. Make both the teams stand on half court with a basketball in each team’s hand
  2. Spread the cones near the Basketball Ring
  3. Half cones should be fallen and half of them should be in a straight position
  4. Command both teams with separate tasks, e.g. team A will make the fallen cones straight and team B will make the straight cones fall
  5. The condition that will make them learn the dribble is they have to dribble the ball and go to the cones and they have to dribble and then arrange their cones as per the order. Without dribbling, no one can touch the cones, while dribbling they have to arrange the cones.
  6. The next condition is from the teams all the players need to arrange one or two cones by taking pass and going with the dribble. So with this, every team player will have to arrange at least one or two cones.
  7. Give them a shot clock time like 24sec and 60sec
  8. At the end of the timing, cones will be calculated and the losing team needs to do 10 situps.

Aim of drill: These drills help the player to increase their dribbling skill, passing skills, and the matter of short clock in games like Basketball. After-game situps will boost the energy of both teams.

2. Save The Ball​

Needed Accessories:

— Basketballs as much as players.

Steps To Conduct:

  1. If you are 20 players, use the full court, if 7-10 players use the half court and if you are less you can use inside the 3-pointer line.
  2. Each player will have a ball in their hand
  3. With a whistle, they will engage with other players by dribbling the ball Dribble should not stop.
  4. Engaging other players means they have to snatch each other basketball while dribbling and saving their basketball.
  5. If a player’s ball is snatched, the player will be out of the game, and at last, the last saved person will be the winner.
  6. The maximum time is 2 minutes, after that from the left player who has more snatched and made the player out will be the winner.

Aim of the Drill: All the players will be trained for their better and best dribble techniques and through this drill players will learn new techniques of saving their basketball from defenders. Players will love to have this type of fun game and within the fun game, coaches can get their training done.

If you read all the drills that means you like them as well, do share your feedback which will help us to grow and motivate me to write more articles on this type of topic. If you have any queries or wanna learn more by joining us do mail us or contact us at the given number. Hope for your Best! Take Care!

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