Harmanpreet Kaur’s Form a Worry for India

Harmanpreet Kaur, the name synonymous with power, grace, and match-winning knocks, currently finds herself in unfamiliar territory – a land of low scores and mounting pressure. Her recent batting slump has sent shockwaves through Indian cricket, raising a crucial question: Is the Queen’s crown tilting at a critical juncture?

A Shadow of Her Former Self 

Gone are the days of her 171-run blitzkrieg against Australia in the 2017 World Cup semi-final, an innings etched in cricketing folklore. The Harmanpreet of today seems a pale shadow of her former self.

 Harmanpreet Kaur's Form a Worry for India
Harmanpreet Kaur’s Form a Worry for India

In the recently concluded ODI and T20I series against Australia, she managed a paltry 26 runs across five innings. This meagre tally follows a forgettable T20I series against England, where she scored 26, 9, and 6. These numbers, while seemingly insignificant in isolation, become thunderous when considering her role as the captain and batting mainstay of the Indian team.

Impact Beyond the Scoreboard

Harmanpreet’s struggles haven’t been confined to the scoreboard. They’ve coincided with India’s string of losses, leading many to believe her form is directly impacting the team’s performance.

This becomes particularly concerning with the T20 World Cup in Bangladesh just eight months away and the 2025 ODI World Cup scheduled to be played on home soil. The pressure is not just personal, but carries the weight of national expectations.

Demystifying the Dip

Harmanpreet Kaur's Form a Worry for India

Several factors could be contributing to Harmanpreet’s sudden dip. The hectic international schedule, coupled with the pressure of captaincy, could be taking their toll. Teams might have also devised specific strategies to counter her aggressive batting style, utilising slower deliveries and exploiting her tendency to get out to the sweep shot. Additionally, technical chinks in her armor might be rearing their heads, demanding immediate attention.

A United Front in Support

Despite the concerns, the Indian team management remains firmly behind their skipper. Head Coach Amol Muzumdar has emphasised that “form is temporary, class is permanent”, reminding everyone of Harmanpreet’s immense talent and potential. Similar support has come from teammates, who acknowledge the challenges she faces but believe in her leadership and ability to overcome them.

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Charting the Course to Recovery

To silence the doubters and reclaim her throne, Harmanpreet might need to embark on a journey of introspection and improvement. Technical adjustments with her coaches, addressing mental fatigue, and adopting a clear mindset could be crucial steps in rediscovering her form. Additionally, the team management can provide a supportive environment and tailor strategies to maximise her strengths while minimising her weaknesses.

Harmanpreet Kaur's Form a Worry for India

Harmanpreet Kaur’s form is undoubtedly a cause for concern for the Indian team, but it’s important to remember that even the greatest players go through rough patches. With the backing of her team, a focused approach to improvement, and the unwavering spirit that defines her, she has the potential to silence the critics and lead India to glory in the upcoming World Cups. After all, a queen may stumble, but a true champion always rises again.


  • Harmanpreet Kaur’s recent batting form has been poor, raising concerns about her desire for upcoming tournaments.
  • Her struggles have coincided with India’s string of losses, highlighting the impact on the team.
  • Possible reasons for the dip include workload, specific bowling strategies, and technical issues.
  • The team management and teammates remain supportive, urging her to bounce back.
  • Finding solutions through introspection, technical adjustments, and mental conditioning is crucial.
  • While her form is a worry, Harmanpreet’s talent and potential cannot be ignored.

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